
Thursday, April 7, 2011


So this morning I decided to stop at a gas station for breakfast. Don't judge- I had just dieted for 3 hours the night before and was craving those mini donuts with crumbs on them (you know, the ones that are 3,000 calories a pop???) I also bought some milk which is out of character since I hate milk but the ladies I work with are always talking about how they have the bones of a 35 year old and that I need more calcium...anyway....I walk into a gas station in South Provo (first mistake). I had to check twice to see if it was a liquor store (it had bars in the windows) .It was in-between. Like it still had a questionable type man standing outside wearing rings that may or may not be a molester, but it still sold Funyuns and shiz. So,I  run in and  grab my donettes and milk and am in the car when I decide to chug my milk. Um it was pure rotten! And I had  made out with it and everything! So I run into the liquor store, bang the bottle on the table, go into the restroom, barf for like 10 years, and then demand a refund. Worst taste ever. Worst thing that has ever happened to me! It was like drinking death! And this foul curd has decided to nest in the back of my throat for the whole day! Later in the day, I decided I better get back on the horse or milk would be ruined for me forever, so I drank milk at lunch with my sister (no, no, I'm not a hero ;) Anyway I feel all violated. Worst thing ever.

1 comment:

Cheri Sharp said...

Gross! Hilarious! TMI! I love your blog! :)