
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Crawling up the Walls

I have a wicked ace migraine that put me into a foul sour mood for most of the day. I took  migraine meds and now I'm shaking and crawling up the walls! I reorganized my room and put up a chandelier in my room ($50 says it's going to fall on my face while I'm sleeping by the end of the week...). I didn't eat because I'm waiting for my roommate to make dinner and I am STARVING!!! So hungry that (I'm not proud)  I ate a bag full of naked loose M&M's given to me by the birthday committee from church. I am sort of a germ- a -phobe so I kept having visions of the M&M's being packed by unwashed hands where individual M&M were probably licked by a rat before wiped on the carpet and put in my birthday bag. Not to be ungrateful but it went through my mind!!! Well almost time to eat....tootles. -L

1 comment:

Ladies & Gentlemen said...

You're such a Kardashian! Handled M&M's are the worst. Miss you!