
Monday, November 8, 2010


Sooo so tired after work. Decided to make pancakes despite my self diagnosis that I am allergic to them. I have a "disease" where food gets stuck in my esophagus and tries to choke me.  I can't remember what it's called? Basically it's too boring and vague to study (according to my Dr.) so they just gave me an inhaler, a head pat, and a big a$$ bill. I am never going to go on WebMD again since I'm always trying to diagnose diseases I may have.Very expensive hobby that robs you of any dignity.... So anyway I made the pancakes (Matilda style) for myself and they were gross/practically suffocated me (my "disease") and I think I gained like 90 lbs. since I made myself eat 4 plus chased them down with a mini bag of cool ranch Doritos. Also, I look in my fridge and I think an infant diarrhea-d  in a bowl (pardon my french).   I posted pics of the fridge poo and pancakes!!! -L

1 comment:

Kim said...

I NEED to know what the infant poo was originally... that seriously makes me want to yak.